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Our Work

Criativity in action with the students and teachers of AERBP in Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.

 All about working together.

Meeting in Portugal
november 22 to 26 of 2021

During the month of November, we had the pleasure of welcoming students and teachers who are part of the "art for all" team - an inclusive and original project, which calls for the integration of all citizens in cultural spaces, in a comprehensive aspect and that seeks, at the same time, to revive the importance of visiting our museums and built cultural heritage more regularly. It was a week of sharing and socializing. Here are some pictures from this week... 


geographic study

Students Ana Rita Lopes, David Brunet Borges, Francisco Pereira, Gonçalo Rodrigues and Martim Filipe were given the task of proceeding with the geographical framing of three museums: José Malhoa Museum; Barata Feyo Museum and Ceramics Museum. For this purpose, they went to the Municipality of Caldas da Rainha and consulted the available bibliography. They also had to request the consultation of the oldest cartography from the municipal services, with the support of teachers Ângela Fonseca and Sandra Sampaio. The sessions that followed made it possible to synthesize and organize the information collected. We emphasize the importance of proofreading the texts (English) by Teacher Henrique Lopes and the contribution of Teacher Dulce Nunes (AERP) in the elaboration of the sketch and watercolor, introduced in the present work.


Field Exit


On March 21, 2022, teachers Ângela Fonseca and Sandra Sampaio accompanied the six students (Ana Rita Lopes, David Brunet Borges, Francisco Pereira, Gonçalo Rodrigues and Martim Filipe) to recognize the accessibility and entrances to Parque D. Carlos I, as well as the three mapped museums. It was a very pleasant afternoon of sharing and discoveries.


individual presentations

Students Ana Rita Lopes, David Brunet Borges, Francisco Pereira, Gonçalo Rodrigues and Gonçalo Camacho gave their presentations in English during the 1st period. The videos were made available on the Google Classroom platform.

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