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About the Project

ART FOR ALL: An Inclusive Approach to Cultural Heritage” is a partnership exchange program KA229 involving schools from four European countries.


The project tries to approach ART as a vector of social cohesion that will help the development of skills such as critical thinking, creativity and fostering dialogue, sharing and group work.


ART is the perfect way for young people (European citizens) to acquire first-hand experience of the “Unity in Diversity” that characterizes the EU.


Access to heritage is a fundamental right for EVERYONE and must be placed at their disposal and enjoyment, anywhere. Schools, as agents of education, should lead the way that leads students to a culture of full participation, starting with improving pedagogical methodologies and learning, with a view to improvement of pedagogical practices, which may be adopted by other institutions cultural/social.


The goals of the ART for ALL project are:

1st-Involve students in discovering the common roots of the cultural heritage of Europe, promoting dialogue and interaction with the communities in which they are inserted;

2nd-Promote in institutions a broader concept of inclusion, promoting pedagogical practices that promote union and solidarity.

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